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The Coach’s Journey Community is a flexible, affordable group coaching experience led by Robbie Swale and designed to support coaches to create thriving businesses and thrive as people while they do it.

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Read over 8,000 times, this is the popular story of how I grew my coaching business from scratch to being full time.
Hiring a coach is an incredibly important step in growing a coaching business. Even from the coaches you don’t hire, you will learn so much about how to (or not to) enrol clients. If you need more convincing, here are the lessons I have learned…
Originally written for the coachingpartner website, this is the story of how I came to coaching through understanding the unique mix of strengths and abilities I have and the way I want to contribute to the world.
Probably the most important lesson I have ever learned about growth, which came from a challenge set for me by Rich Litvin, author of the Prosperous Coach.
An analysis of three of the key moments in a coaching relationship, centred around three fascinating ideas that clients speak about regularly: stuckness, confidence and possibility.
A challenge from coach Rich Litvin led me to learning more about No, Yes and creating trust than would have thought was possible in a single morning.
How dancing with what Steven Pressfield calls Resistance is vital on our journeys as coaches.
Learn about me, Robbie Swale, and why I created The Coach’s Journey.

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