The Coaching Business Flywheel
Hi, I’m Robbie.
I started coaching in 2015.
I went full-time as a coach in 2017.
People liked what I had to say about how I’d built my business to support me full-time, and so since 2018 I’ve been supporting coaches to create businesses that thrive and to thrive as they do it.
Since 2019, I’ve been interviewing coaches on The Coach’s Journey Podcast. In each conversation, I’ve talked to coaches – famous ones and ones you’ve never heard of – about the realities of how they grew their businesses.
I’ve also learned directly from some of the masters in the field.
But only in the last year or so did I really start to piece together how this thing called a coaching business actually works.
It came from combining an idea from Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, with what I’d learned since I started out as a coach.
The Coaching Business Flywheel, shown below, is the culmination of all that learning.
These are the things that if you do them, you almost can’t help but have more clients.
They are also the things that absolutely every coach who has a sustainable coaching business has to do.
The only questions are:
How are you doing each part of the Flywheel?
If you want to grow your business, how do you do more of each of them and do each of them more skilfully?
If you want to grow your business in a way that aligns with who you are, how do you do more of each of them – and do each of them more skilfully – in a way that is authentic to you?
“I’ve trained thousands of people in person or through my former business The School of Coaching. I wish we could have given them this to help them turn their newly developed skills into income. Great stuff!”
Free Ebook: An Introduction to The Coaching Business Flywheel
To learn more about how the Flywheel came about, and how to use it to help you grow your business, fill in the form below and we’ll send you my ebook An Introduction to the Coaching Business Flywheel FOR FREE.
You’ll also get other exciting updates on The Coach’s Journey - but of course if you don’t want them, you can unsubscribe any time.
Need some help?
The Coaching Business Flywheel is not a quick-fix.
It can feel like a long, lonely journey from the start to the moment you realise your Flywheel is spinning faster and faster.
And you don’t have to do it alone.
On this website you’ll find many resources to help you grow your coaching business: videos, articles and a podcast with over 60 episodes.
But you might want more than that.
Below, you’ll find two ways that I might be able to help you make the most of The Coaching Business Flywheel and build the coaching business you want to build.