#82 – Want More Clients? Create More Insight! (Coaching Business Fundamentals)

This episode is the fourth in a series diving into The Coaching Business Flywheel and the fundamental parts of a sustainable coaching business. In it, Robbie and Ruth dive into the power of focusing our energy and action on creating insight, and how, if we create insight enough, we almost can’t help but have the coaching business we want.

Robbie shares why he believes that the more we can create insight for someone before they become a client, the better it is for our businesses, and outlines just how powerful creating insight can be for putting energy into our business that will pay back again, and again, and again.

We cover:

  • What is insight and why does it matter?

  • The advantages of ‘The Prosperous Coach Approach’ and just coaching people even before they are clients. (We touch on the disadvantages, too.)

  • Why we forget that we know MANY ways to create insight for people.

  • A question you can ask yourself every day to get into action building your coaching business.

Listen to the first episode in this series, giving an overview of the Flywheel and why it matters here: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/podcast/75-how-to-grow-your-coaching-business-coaching-business-fundamentals

The second, about using connections to create coaching clients, is here: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/podcast/77-how-to-make-connections-who-become-clients-coaching-business-fundamentals

The third, focusing on offering people the opportunity to experience you more, is here: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/podcast/80-dont-wait-for-coaching-clients-create-them-coaching-business-fundamentals

The next episode will be out soon – sign up to our mailing list here to be the first to hear about it.

To see a diagram of the Coaching Business Flywheel, and read Robbie’s ebook, An Introduction to The Coaching Business Flywheel, visit https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/the-coaching-business-flywheel

For more information about Robbie, visit https://www.robbieswale.com/

For more information about Ruth , visit http://www.daretorise.co.uk/

Read more about The Coach's Journey at www.thecoachsjourney.com.

Music by My Good Man William: listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KmeQUcTbeE31uFynHQLQg

To support the Coach's Journey, visit www.patreon.com/thecoachsjourney and to join the Coach's Journey Community visit www.thecoachsjourney.com/community.


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