Episode #14: Marcia Reynolds - Becoming the world's #5 Coaching Guru, being ICF President and writing *another* book about coaching
For Marcia Reynolds, coaching evolved as a highly effective learning tool, discovered through her work training leaders in the corporate world. She is now a world-renowned expert on coaching ranked #5 on Global Gurus’ list of coaching thought-leaders, has delivered programs and coached leaders in 41 countries, and has written four coaching books.
She also turned 20 in jail and credits her transformation, at least in part, to the women she did time with. From the rabbit hole of drug abuse to achieving multiple master’s degrees, her first ‘tough coach’ was her cellmate who taught her to get out there and make a difference in the world.
Marcia witnessed the rise in coaching ‘as a thing’ first hand. She trained as a coach in the mid-90s and was one of the first assessors for the International Coaching Federation and for training school, Coach U. She was also a founding member of the ICF where she went on to be president for over two years. In this episode, we find out Marcia offers so many insights from her years of experience that coaches at all levels with find things to take and use in their own practice.
In particular, we talk about:
Why now is the time to shut up and listen.
Why coaching is the best learning technology we have.
Why mastery is the deepening of presence not the perfection of skills and the importance of receiving as opposed to listening in great coaching.
What to do if a client says they want a plan (and why making the plan with them is not always the most powerful thing to do).
And, as Marcia launches her fourth book on coaching Coach the Person, Not the Problem, we find out what compelled her to write another book about coaching.
Plus, some myth-busting about the things we think we can’t do in coaching and a story that features a snake and a roadrunner… That’s right, a snake and a roadrunner!
For those who want to learn more about Marcia’s forthcoming Breakthrough Coaching Training, you can find out more here.
For more information about Marcia, visit: www.covisioning.com or find her on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarciaReynolds or LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/marciareynolds.
For more information about Marcia’s recent book, visit www.coachtheperson.com.
For information about Robbie’s wider work and writing, visit www.robbieswalecoaching.com.
Music by My Good Man William: listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KmeQUcTbeE31uFynHQLQg
Things and people we mentioned (that you might be interested in):
Watch the video of the episode with Marcia. (The video versions are a little more rough and ready than the audio-only episodes.)
~5: Time to Think by Nancy Kline: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Time-Think-Listening-Ignite-Human/dp/0706377451
~5: Effective Modern Coaching by Myles Downey: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Effective-Modern-Coaching-Myles-Downey/dp/190779476X
~9: The International Coach Federation (ICF): https://coachfederation.org/
~13: Coach U Training School: https://www.coachu.com/
~13: CTI: https://coactive.com/
~14: Fran Fisher: https://www.franfishercoach.com/
~20: Marcia’s Memoir, Unexpected Angels: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unexpected-Angels-Month-Journey-Light-ebook/dp/B0047GN9M4
~ 21: Marcia’s TED Talks: https://www.ted.com/talks/dr_marcia_reynolds_dr_marcia_reynolds_how_to_handle_precocious_women_jan_2018
~25: Marcia’s most recent book: https://coachtheperson.com
~35: The Association of Coach Training Organisations (ACTO): https://actoonline.org/
~38: Harriett Simon Salinger: http://www.hssalinger.com/
~38: Julius Ordonez: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julius-ordonez-mcc-7948a911/
~39: WBECs coaching demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2z_mvuEXPQ
~43: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Coaching-Habit-Less-Change-Forever/dp/0978440749
~46: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnemann: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0141033576
~46: Michael Gazzaniga: https://people.psych.ucsb.edu/gazzaniga/michael/
~47: John Dewey: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/How_We_Think.html?id=6-fof53Kq00C&redir_esc=y
~48: Deb Barnard, Relational Dynamics 1st: https://relationaldynamics1st.co.uk/meet-the-team/
~48: Byron Katie: https://thework.com/
~49: Gretchen Rubin: https://gretchenrubin.com/
~50: Marcia’s blog post referencing Straight Talk, Real Talk and Blunt Talk: https://covisioning.com/can-you-just-shut-up/
~1.14: Shari Geller: https://www.sharigeller.ca/
~ 1.16: Marcia’s three minute Goal Tending video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9sH3DrcCgE
~1.22: Einstein quote: ‘If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask.’
~1.33: Marcia’s Books: https://covisioning.com/books/
Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, Master Certified Coach
Dr. Marcia Reynolds helps global organisations grow their leadership using coaching for accelerated results. Her clients include executives and emerging leaders in multinational corporations, non-profit organisations and government agencies. She has taught classes and coached leaders in 41 countries and is recognised by Global Gurus as the #5 coach in the world.
Prior to coaching, Marcia ran training departments for two global companies. She designed the culture change programs that helped the second company launch the most successful IPO in the United States in 1993.
Marcia was a founding member and the 5th global president of the International Coaching Federation, one of the first 25 people in the world to become a Master Certified Coach (MCC) and one of 10 coaches inducted into the ICF Circle of Distinction. She teaches coaching for schools in the US, China, Russia, the Philippines, and India, and offers classes in coaching mastery globally both live and online.
Excerpts from Marcia’s books Outsmart Your Brain, Wander Woman, The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs and her latest, Coach the Person, Not the Problem, have appeared in business, coaching, and psychological publications world-wide.
Marcia’s doctorate is in organisational psychology and she holds two master’s degrees in communication and adult learning. She is passionate about how we can expand minds, transform lives, and spread success through coaching conversations.