#93: How Comparison Sets Us Up to Feel Awful About Ourselves (TCJ Short with Jennifer Garvey Berger)

So many coaches find themselves lost in comparison as they work on their coaching businesses. In this TCJ Short, an excerpt from Episode #42, you can hear developmental psychologist Jennifer Garvey Berger sharing the metaphor she uses to support her clients to gain more perspective on the impossible comparisons they create for themselves.

As Jennifer and Robbie discuss, even just hearing this metaphor will help anyone who finds themselves trapped in comparison to gain even a tiny bit more perspective, so that they can respond differently in the face of comparison pressures.

Listen back to Episode #42 in full here, for Jennifer’s story and many amazing ideas and tips for you and your coaching business, including a broader discussion of comparison for women and the underpinning ideas of complexity and vertical development: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/podcast/episode-42-jennifer-garvey-berger-the-answer-to-either-or-is-both You’ll also find links to everything Robbie and Jennifer discuss on that page.

To learn more about Jennifer, visit https://www.cultivatingleadership.com/team-member/jennifer-garvey-berger or https://twitter.com/jgberger.

For more information about this episode’s host, Robbie Swale, visit https://www.robbieswale.com/

Read more about The Coach's Journey at www.thecoachsjourney.com.

Music by My Good Man William: listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KmeQUcTbeE31uFynHQLQg

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Download Robbie’s FREE ebook, An Introduction to the Coaching Business Flywheel, here: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/the-coaching-business-flywheel

Read about Robbie’s upcoming workshop with Claire Pedrick here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/robbieswale_the-artful-coach-and-the-soulful-coaching-activity-7285744469444812801-gBzq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Book your place on the workshop, The Artful Coach and the Soulful Coaching Business: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/3dcoaching/1504338

Listen to Robbie and Claire discussing artful coaching and soulful coaching businesses in Episode #92: https://www.thecoachsjourney.com/podcast/92-the-artful-coach-and-the-soulful-coaching-business-a-joint-episode-with-clare-pedrick-and-robbie-swale


The co-founder and CEO of Cultivating Leadership, Jennifer blends deep theoretical knowledge with a driving quest for practical ways to make leaders’ lives better. She coaches executives and executive teams, and designs and teaches leadership programs.

Jennifer has written three highly acclaimed books on leadership and complexity and how to grow the capacities we need for the world in which we live. She hopes her newly-released fourth book, Unleash Your Complexity Genius, will change your life.

When she’s not working with clients and colleagues, you can find her in the French countryside, where she has bought a house with eleven friends who live in community and try to keep the dog from terrifying the cats.

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